

Our recipe

  • Blueprinting
  • Pixel Magic
  • Codecraft

Concepting is basically brainstorming on steroids. It's when we let our imaginations run wild and come up with all sorts of wacky and wonderful ideas to bring our design vision to life.

-> Joppe is our Vision Architect.

This is where we take our vision and turn it into a reality. We get to flex our creative muscles and bring our ideas to life using all sorts of design tools and techniques. Whether it's sketching, wireframing, or prototyping, designing allows us to experiment and refine our ideas until we arrive at the perfect solution.

-> David is our Visual King.

Coding and development is where we take our design files and turn them into a website, app, or product that users can interact with. It's where we turn our static designs into dynamic and interactive experiences that users will love. We start coding and developing our way to digital greatness!

-> Inju is our Code Wizard.

The dreamteam

Joppe Pelgrim

Inju Michorius

David van Rumpt